Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Essay Exercise for Book I, l.132-141

I know this is a passage you read some time ago, but i have some materials paired with it to focus on critical writing techniques. Due by 11:59 p.m., September 30th, so that we can discuss them at our after-school meeting Thursday.

In Bk. I.132-141, Neptune scolds the winds for wreaking havoc on the seas without his permission. He hints at punishment to come if they disobey him in the future. In a short essay, discuss how the speakers conveys his anger to his listeners. Refer specifically to the Latin to support your answer.


George said...

Neptune displays his anger and disdain for the winds through asserting his dominion over the sea and a sense of rising fury throughout the speech. He chastises their “fiducia” (pride, 132) and expresses his disgust for the fact that these rebellious winds acted “sino meo numine” (without my name, 133). Neptune has lordship over the sea, chosen “sorte” (by lot, 139) when Jupiter, Pluto and himself were deciding their domains. The fact that the winds acted without his knowledge and approval greatly fueled his anger. He speaks scornfully of Aeolus, who rules only “clauso ventorum carcere” (the barred prison of the winds, 142). Neptune’s anger reaches its peak, however, at line 135 when he becomes so choked with rage that he is unable to continue his sentence, employing aposiopesis very effectively, “Quos ego – “ (Whom I --). This conveys his anger well and the reader is heavily impressed upon by this device.

Christina said...

Neptune shows his anger by claiming that everything on the sea belongs to him, and is angry that the winds acted with any orders other than his own, as he claims "non illli imperium pelagi saenumque tridentem, sed mihi sorte datum" (line 139-140, The power to command the open sea and furious trident is no one's but mine). His speech gets angrier as he speaks, and eventually he breaks off in the middle of a sentence, an aposiopesis used by the author to show Neptune's barely controlled fury. He declares "Quos ego - sed motos praestat componere fluctus" (line 135, Where I - but it is better to calm the waves at once). At that point, Neptune is too angry to continue his speech, and has to focus on something else in order to calm his temper enough to continue speaking.

Christina said...

Neptune also questions the work of the winds by asking "Tantane vos genens teriuit fiducia vestri?" (line 132, Is your trust in your birth so great?), and stresses that although Aeoulus commanded the winds to attack Aeneas' ships, Neptune still commands both Aeolus and the winds. Neptune wants to make it clear that he is the greatest power on the sea, and will not tolerate anyone or anything that thinks they have the right to rule, and that their own power is above of his. In the end, Neptune totally dismisses Aeolus, declaring that he will "se iactet in aula Aeolus" (line 140-141,let Aeolus bluster in his court), telling him that he has absolutely no power outside of his closed caverns, and to refrain from meddling in any afairs outside of his domain.